The major purpose of this blog is to be a medium through which I can improve myself as a writer. Speaking of consistency (previous post), I'm making the effort to be a more consistent writer. Therefore, I'm going to challenge myself in several different ways to stretch myself as a writer. None of these will be perfect attempts, most of them will probably be pretty sketch but I'm still learning. I think if you and I can stick out this learning phase, everybody will benefit; I know I will.
So I noticed some things about my writing that could use some tweaking (I've been doing some heavy noticing lately). First of all, I tend to be really sober and rather dark when I write. Probably because I find it easiest to transpose my serious thoughts into paper. I also find that being really sober is the easiest way to create emotion in my writing. For example, whenever I try to portray emotion in a piece, nine times out of ten, that piece deals with some kind of death. I'm not obsessed with death by any means, but when I write, it comes out alot. Maybe I should change that. Maybe I should leave it.
That brings up the first challenge I'm issuing myself: find a different way to create emotion. Let's have a piece where nobody dies. As easy as that sounds, its not. Not for me. That's why its a challenge.
Challenge number two: Point of view. I tend to write in the first person alot. Third person occasionally, but mostly first person. The challenge? Write a piece in the SECOND person. It'll be weird for sure, but I'm determined to take you, the reader, on a journey you never thought you would take. We'll see how that goes..
Challenge number three: Write a piece about a significant event in my life. Why? First of all because my professor said it was a good idea. Second, because it'll challenge me to paint an accurate picture of what happened. I know what happened; I was there, I lived it. But I need you to feel and see and hear the same things I did. That's the challenge. And lastly because, if it's an event worth remembering, then it's one worth writing about. Even if it's just for me.
So yeah, that's all I've got. If you got any other creative writing exercises for me to try let me know. Comment on the Facebook page or directly on the post. Or you can email me if you really want to. I'm posting all the links and such at the bottom of this post. I have no timeframe or any idea when I'll get around to these challenges, but I'll have you know that I'm working on them mentally all the time. Keep your eyes open and you might see these challenges within some of my upcoming posts.
One more thing, I've gotten some good feedback on the little bit of Sci-Fi work I've slapped on here. I still have six more weeks in the Sci-Fi class so there will be a few more of those popping up (assuming I don't completely bomb the assignment). After the course is over, I might continue the sci-fi thing. I never really put much thought into it before the class but now I really enjoy it. Whether I'm any good at it only time will tell. But I'm learning.
Thanks for reading and supporting; really puts the wind in my sails. Keep it up!
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