I want to make art. I want to write. I want to write something beautiful, something powerful, something epic.

I want to write something that sticks with you, that makes you think, that causes you to change the way you see and feel. I want you to ponder and wonder and work out your thoughts. I want you to really sit down and think.
I want to make a person, create a character that you can believe in, that you can identify with, that you can root for, that you can know and love. I want to put you in his shoes, to follow in his steps, to ride the emotional rollercoaster with him. I want to make you laugh and cry, make you love and hate. I want you to rejoice in his victories and mourn his losses. I want you to wish this character was real.
When you finish reading, I want you feel like you've been gone for ages; I want coming back to reality to be a difficult task. Whenever your eyes read these words, I want you to travel through time and space, across oceans and through galaxies, to alternate universes and places that have to be invented or discovered.
I want you to feel. I want you to understand. I want you to experience. I want you to know. That's all I want.
Before you dive in, before you enter the gates, before you turn the first page, I have to write it. I have to build, I have to try to construct and erect this masterpiece. I have to create this world, these experiences, these people for you to interact with, to explore, to bond. It has to be spotless, flawless, refined and perfected over and over again.
This could take months, years, a lifetime. This won't be easy. The mind is not easily persuaded nor entertained by the words on a page. But this is what I want. This is what I want to do. This is my goal. This is my dream.
This could take a while.
Wow Jordy you're such a good writer, I wish I could put my thoughts on paper like you......I try but it just never seems to come out right. You're an inspiration, keep it up.