Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Can anyone explain to me that almost beautiful yet oddly depressing moment 
when you watch the sun fall behind the mountains and descend below the horizon, 
and all that remains are tongues of fire painted in the ever-changing sky as shadows begin to creep along the ground and darkness slowly consumes everything around you while your thoughts grow louder and louder by the minute 
until all traces of the sun and its glowing warmth has faded away, 
and you realize darkness has prevailed yet again 
and another long night awaits you with hunger in its eyes, 
and you find yourself alone once again 
as your thoughts reverberate off the walls 
of your own emptiness...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


sometimes i wish
just for a moment
that you could feel as i feel
see as i see

but perceptions disparate
is a gift
not a curse

it's what makes you, you
and me, me